Obviously the idea to offer downloads for missing mp3s didn't work out. So to get this idea out of my head I'm posting all the stuff I thought that might be interesting for you at once. Hope you'll like it. And if you don't …
By the way I'm still looking for this stuff:
- Various Artists "Skadrenalinschub #1" from deceased www.punk-island.de webzine
- Post-Punk Junk PODCAST #007 - 04.02.06 (podcast_040206.mp3) originally posted by Post Punk Junk including McLusky - You Should Be Ashamed, Shamus/Bow Wow Wow - Go Wild In The Country/The Only Ones - Deadly Nightshade/Captain Beefheat and the Magic Band - Upon The My-O-My (live, 1974)/The Police - Dead End Job/Cliff Roth - The Reagans Speak Out On Drugs (excerpt)/The Only Ones - Why Don't You Kill Yourself/Teddy & The Frat Girls - Alophen Baby/Vaz - They've Won/John Morris - The Begian Circus Episode ("The Elephant Man" soundtrack)/Trio Mocoto - Que Nega É Essa/Ridiculous Trio - No Fun/The Pharoahs - Great House
- Post-Punk Junk PODCAST #008 - 04.09.06 (podcast_040906.mp3) originally posted by Post Punk Junk including Goblin - Tenebre/Negativland - Favorite Things/The Boys - You Can't Hurt A Memory/Tiger - Gimmie De Mike/Spizz - Mega City 3/Captain Ahab - In The Garden/Smog - Live As If Someone Is Always Watching You/Joy Division - At A Later Date (live, 1978)/John Cale - Dr. Mudd (live, 1979)/Henry Manfredini - "Friday The 13th Part 3" disco theme (extended mix)/Ed and the Refrigerators - My First Crush/Sly and the Famliy Stone - Skin I'm In/Wobbly - Yo Yo Yo Yoyo Yo, Hey.../I Am Spoonbender - Stopwatch Static/Kids in the Hall - Smokin' On A Night Train, Chewin' On A Jelly Roll
- all Tracks from WFMU Marathon MP3s -- Day One! - March 05, 2007 originally posted by WFMU
- Davis Sisters' "He's Here Now" (From Kevin Nutt's Sinner's Crossroads Gospel Stompers)
- Three's "Food for Thog" (From Mike Lupica's The Silent Treatment)
- all Tracks from WFMU Marathon MP3s -- Day Two! - March 06, 2007 originally posted by WFMU
- Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza's "Children's Television Voteshop" (from Frank O'Toole's Mixology 101)
- The Keithe Lowrie Duet's "Firetime" (from Hatch's Second Stringers)
- Impetigo Stage Banter (from Brian Turner's Shut Up and Play Vol. 3)
- The Premier Quartette's "That Hypnotizing Man" (from Thomas Edison's Attic's Halloween)
- The Evan "Funk" Davies Premium Montage (from Evan's Make Your Own Mayhem)
- "The House on the Edge of the Park" (from Mita's Songs from the Video Nasty Era)
- the following tracks from tonspion #06 compilation (www.tonspion.de)
- to rococo rot & i-sound - from dream to daylight
- laub - 30 grad remix
- the following tracks from tonspion #09 compilation (www.tonspion.de)
- olympic lifts - horizontally vertical (only child remix)
Updated 27.01.2009
17 Kommentare:
Are you necessary looking for tracks from the Tonspion compilations ? I mean I have some of them but from the original albums - let me know...
Great posts here anyway !
hm, gute frage von el limbo von punsch. habe mal deine liste überflogen - da gibts natürlich das ein oder andere. ein anfang seien die computerjockeys, die ich tatsächlich auf einer, tja, musikexpress-cd habe. die ist allerdings tatsächlich sehr geil - deshalb habe ich noch 2 andere highlights davon dabeigepackt, nämlich Trinkwasser mit "Wie wenig Du weisst" und DOM mit "Fackeln im Sturm"...
die gibts hier:
schöne gruße von R3000 (http://themoreyouthinkaboutit.blogspot.com/)
Du hast "Neil Young Meets Buffalo Springfield And The Squires" auf Deiner Wunschliste... habe den Bootleg eben auf dem zerogsound blog wieder geuppt... You are welcome!
hi El Limbo von Punsch,
the tonspion compilations are mostly just a selection of links to various official downloads together with a pdf-cover so you could burn your own cdr. therefore there should be no difference between those mp3s and rips from the original cds except the bitrate.
thanks in advance for any offers!
dank auch an r3000 und zero g sound für ihre uploads!
Die satanischen Pferde gibts via nix-pop.dl.am:
PW: nix-pop.dl.am
Viel Spass
Hi brotbeutel,
please don´t stop with ur tonspion.rar series. I loved it as I didn´t check tonspion regularly and missed some of the compilations.
Kind Regards
die Onkelz - Danke für nichts steht bei nix-pop, allerdings nur 128er-Qualität:
Hat hier noch jemand folgende titel:
Piano Magic feat. Klima - „Incurable“
Epo-555 - „Harry Mämbourg“
Hanalei - „Nothing Works“
Cold War Kids - „Hang Me Up To Dry“
Thx in advance.
@ bubba:
@ mr.happy:
danke für den hinweis :-)
@ dj667:
danke für den tip, leider ist das file bei rapidshare schon wieder nicht mehr zu finden :-(
Hm, Console - Zero Zero? Meinst du "14, Zero, Zero"? Das kenne (und habe) ich.
Die französische Version von "liebe zu dritt" kannst du hier bekommen:
> http://www.stereototal.de/music/download_superhits.html
Ansonsten schaue ich mal die Liste weiter durch.
Danke für die beiden Hinweise.
Hallo Martin,
die Vibrator BBC Punk Sessions liegen auf RS für Dich unter:
Würde mich über ein Re-up von "NDR2 Der Club zu Gast bei Rotzkotz und Hans-A-Plast" sehr freuen. Gerne auch andere Hans-A-Plast Raritäten.
Schöne Grüsse von SylterJung
(born in Wolfsburg mid of 60th)
Ich kann leider nix uploaden, aber wenn du "Sauberes Hemd" noch brauchst: schick mir eine Mailadresse, dann schick ich's dir. sailer@michaelsailer.de
Die Pop Tarts, meinst du die 7" aus 2002 (Mit Berliner Weiße...)? Die könnte ich dir digital zusenden...
@Anonym: Ja, genau die, das wäre nett!
Hallo Martinf: Pop Tarts sind hier (bis 14.10):
Grüße aus der List
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