...zufällige Gedanken zu verschiedenen Themen, die nicht nur mit Hannover, Musik, Punk, Politik zu tun haben ...
The excerpt published by Castro suggested that the esoteric Frankfurt School of socialist academics worked with members of the Rockefeller family in the 1950s to pave the way for rock music to "control the masses" by diverting attention from civil rights and social injustice.Deutsche Online-Medien verkürzen das dann so:
"The man charged with ensuring that the Americans liked the Beatles was Walter Lippmann himself," the excerpt asserted, referring to a political philosopher and by-then-staid newspaper columnist who died in 1974.
"In the United States and Europe, great open-air rock concerts were used to halt the growing discontent of the population," the excerpt said.
Ebenso sei die britische Band "Die Beatles" und die esoterische Kulturbewegung "New Age" eine "gut geplante und koordinierte Aktion", um die Massen der USA von politischen Themen abzulenken. Und der Musiksender MTV sei eine "perfekte Maschine zur Gehirnwäsche", geschaffen von Bilderberg, um die Jugend zum Hedonismus und hemmungslosen Konsum zu verleiten