Ansonsten habe ich gestern abend mal wieder den Rechner Rechner sein lassen und mich mit "The Sex Pistols: 90 Days at EMI" von Brian Southall amüsiert. Dann liegen hier noch einige ungelesene Zeitschriften und mehrere ungehörte CDs herum (Spinal Tap, Gustav, Expander des Fortschritts u.a.), aber noch ist der Blog nicht tot.
Übrigens wer Lust hat sich an "That's Not My Cup Of Bear" zu beteiligen darf sich ruhig mal melden ...
Nachtrag: Gute Unterhaltung bieten auch diese beiden Blogs:


6 Kommentare:
och, das sieht aber liberal aus!
Hi mate, the infra-red helicopters link doesn't work...I was looking for it during ages and I'd really love to hear it. Any chance to re-post it?
anyway, keep this great blog working!!! I love it!
greetings from Sheffield and
thank you very much....
hi mate thank you so much for the Bracknell EP, that was very kind of you!!!... I like it very much!!
hi i have also been after the bracknall ep for years could you please re up just once more i would be ever so gratefull hope you can help thanks again
hi can you please re up the bracknall ep once more i have been after it for years i would be so gratefull hope you can help thanks again
hi thanks very much for the re post i have waited years to hear it thank you
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