"Kissi" asked me to re-upload the B-Sides from The Raincoats from this posting and here they are:
- The Raincoats
"Fairytale In The Supermarket" // "In Love" / "Adventures Close To Home"
7", Rough Trade 1979 (download) - "I Keep Walking", B-Seite der Single "Don't Be Mean", Rough Trade 1995 (

"ajm" asked me to re-upload the eighth batch of the lost www.aspma.com archive. I don't know why (s)he asked only for this one because most download-links for the song-poem postings are gone - maybe (s)he was looking for a certain song? Anyway I uploaded ALL of the files for your pleasure :-)
ASPMA-lp-batch-01(tracklist)ASPMA-lp-batch-02-08(tracklist)ASPMA-lp-batch-09-15(tracklist)ASPMA-lp-batch-16(tracklist)ASPMA-singles-batch-01(tracklist)ASPMA-singles-batch-02-03(tracklist)ASPMA-singles-batch-04-09(tracklist)ASPMA-singles-batch-10(tracklist)ASPMA-singles-batch-11(tracklist)ASPMA-singles-batch-12-16(tracklist)ASPMA-singles-batch-17(tracklist)out of the darkness i'm beginning to see(tracklist)song-poem-collection 1(tracklist)song-poem-collection 2(tracklist)
PS: if you know where to find any other song-poems please let me know :-)
12 Kommentare:
I recorded song poems for people on Ebay in 2005-2007, and put them on 2 CD's. See them and hear samples at www.geocities.com/songpoemhits
I've only just discovered Somg Poems and I really look forward to hearing these tracks.
You are as we say here in Australia "A LEGEND!"
Vielen vielen dank, du bist der Hammer!
Keep up the good work.
THANK YOU!!! By the time I got to the ASPMA website, the links were all long gone and I was sorely disappointed. I almost jumped up and down when I found your repost links. I even paid for a 3-day Rapidshare Premium Account so I could get all this stuff safely tucked away before I went to bed! But the first singles batch link is the only singles link still working. Is there any chance of one more repost for the other six singles batches?? Anyway, thanks for what I was able to download anyway....!
Uh, there's more missing than I thought. First singles batch is only the first few songs. The first 'collection' is only a few songs, the second one is missing completely. Sorry to bother you, but I've been lusting after this stuff for years!!
It's your holiday annoyance again... Something was wrong with my RAR translator. As it happens, the 1st singles batch and 1st 'collection' are fine. The only dead items are the rest of the singles batches. Here's hoping...
THANK YOU AGAIN!! I'm sure there are many others out there who will appreciate your efforts. Happy Holidays!
The link for ASPMA-singles-batch-17 is not working. All of the others work fine. Is there any way you can fix this link? I really appreciate all of the song poems you have made available. This is a great site.
Thank you very much.
Auf Wiedersehen!
I tried to post this comment about a week ago, but I must've guessed the wrong German to click :) I'm writing you, of course, to pester you into re-upping a few of these collections. It seems that about half of the links have died. Anyway, even just a couple (or one) re-up(s) would be appreciated (and of course, if you don't want to mess with it at all, that's cool too). Anyway, thanks for making these things as available as you have!
Hi! Thanks for posting links to these songs. I've been on a song-poem kick recently, and have been enjoying working my way through this treasure trove of material.
I'd like to echo the requests for a working link to ASPMA-singles-batch-17. When I click on the link you've provided, I see the message below:
This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.
This limit is reached.
To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector's Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector's Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.
@ Joe Silver: ASPMA-singles-batch-17 is up again :-)
Thank you!
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