
Jet Set Band

Jet Set Band "Say Goodbye To Rainy Days" (7", Rolling Promotion RP 701/51301015, 1990)
Say Goodbye To Rainy Days (Peter Columbus/Hannes Schöner) / Say Goodbye To Rainy Days (instr.) (Peter Columbus/Hannes Schöner) Second Hand/Arabella
Produced by Rolling Promotion (c) & (p) 1990 / Foto: Egon Hebenstreit
Rolling Promotion Records - Musikverlag Friedel Wagenrad Johannes-Beckschäfer-Straße 15 D-5000 Köln 90 (Porz-Zündorf) Telefon Porz (02203) 85080 Telefax Porz (02203) 82667 Telefon Köln (0221) 212765 Distributed by Charly Schallplatten, Kiesstraße 38, 6000 Frankfurt/Main 90 Tel.: 069/700866 Fax 069/775617

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