Dieter Bohlen beispielsweise, das ist der schlimmste Alptraum der Spex-Redaktion. Ich kann mich erinnern, daß vor Jahren in Spex die These vertreten wurde, daß es bei Popsongs nicht wichtig sei, was gesagt wird, jetzt kommt Dieter Bohlen und führt eure Theorien aus. Dieter Bohlen wäre gar nicht möglich, wenn ihr nicht die theoretische Vorarbeit geleistet hättet. Das ist jetzt das internationale Popesperanto.
Bernd Begemann in Spex 9/88
PS: Hat irgendjemand da draußen Live-Mitschnitte von Bernd Begemann, inbesondere von dem Stück "Du und deine schwulen Freunde". Keine Ahnung, ob er das noch spielt, es klang ihm zu sehr nach "Darling" von Frankie Miller von 1978, hehehe ;-)
12 Kommentare:
Although I don't speak or read German, I want to tell you that your blog is probably one of, if not the, best music blog(s) I've come across.
Granted, some of the music is probably lost on me due to the language barrier, but I download nearly every post (I determine which downloads - almost all - are of interest by the tags and summaries).
Please don't stop posting!
PS: I think the Knusperkeks album is my favorite so far.
PPS: Did you know that WFMU also loves your blog?
Abgesehen von der Live-CD von 2002 gibt es da kaum was, fürchte ich. In einschlägigen Tauschbörsen kursiert aber auch noch das 2003er Konzert im Atomic Café in München.
"Detlef spricht sich aus" wird übrigens auch viel zu selten gespielt :]
Thanks again for the great blog. I did a little NDW post and referred to you.
can you please re-up the raincoats- moving?
huge thanks for the moving re-up! could you upload the raincoats- kitchen tapes if you have that? either way thanks a lot, and fantastic site!
sorry, i don't have the kitchen tapes...
Modern Talking??!!!
Almost choked when I saw it ...
For a penalty, try to save your soul - find a way to post these:
1. Tenpole Tudor "Let the 4 winds blow" [1981]
2. Department S "Sub-Stance" [2003]
C'mon Santa Klaus, it's almost summer ...
offensichtlich muss ich mehr bilder von dieta boolen posten, damit sich hier bei den kommentaren etwas bewegt ;-)
ehm ...
"haas oder hass"
-that is the question, but just a matter of taste-
well, my german is not quite good to take a conversation with you, but enough to understand/get the point, yet it does not let the response off you for being horrifying decent people (writing and reading lots of blogjunk around) with such a TERROR like MT's glass-teeth or PVC-hair or zwischenbeinareas-on-the-couch ...
Anyway, the blog seems quite interesting to me, obviously I DO visit it ... so, carry on - the joke's on me.
of course dieter bohlen is stupid and ugly (although check out early records by modern talking to find out that he looks better now) but he is absolutely honest about being stupid - and the animation movie about his life is funny because of self-mockery. in fact he is like a bad taste-party: he's so bad that it's good again. he even is in some way a true punk ;-)
I do know some people similar to herr D.B. - they considered themselves as punks but asked if I had some of Modern Talking records (My Hart/Soul & such pornography).
Ugh, it happened some 20 years ago, and now, freely, I can call'em simply "rednecks" (considernig Sun last few years, not so hard to be the one of).
But tight pants and the coockoo nest full with eggs between legs (and all that on the couch in the living room, in daylight), should be under some of parental laws (under-13 rated, because of grandmas' disturbing, not kids).
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