Als ich diese Single vor 10 Jahre beim Malibu-Versand bestellte war mir schon klar, dass das nicht echt sein konnte, aber hören wollte ich es trotzdem. Die Aufmachung ist eine glatte Unverschämtheit und erweckt den Eindruck, es seinen die echten Sex Pistols, aber es ist wieder eine gut gemachte Fälschung aus dem Hause von Dave Goodman, obwohl Johnny Rotten nie einen Text über die englischen Schulen gemacht hätte, weil seine (und unsere) Feindbilder mindestens eine Nummer größer waren. Es gibt noch weitere Sex Pistols-Fälschungen, die ich nicht kenne, aber gerne mal hören würde, insbesondere die Sexlss Pistols "Deny"-LP. Vielleicht kann ja jemand weiterhelfen? Genauere Information übder die Dave Goodman-Fälschung findet ihr nach der Summary.
Sex Pistols "Schools are Prisons"/"Revolution in the Classroom" (S.T.P.Records STP-0, 7", 1989) (
Summary: Another example of Dave Goodmans Sex Pistols fakes: "Schools are Prisons" and "Revolution in the Classroom" were also included on some crappy Sex Pistols compilations. And there are even more recordings which I really would like to hear, especially the "Deny" album by Sexless Pistols, so if someone could post this stuff I would be very grateful.

- Land Of Hope And Glory
- Land Of Hope And Glory (extended)
fake-recordings with David Spiers (voc), Dan Wiseman (gtr), probably also Chris 'Panic' Free (gtr) and Andrew Bor (dr), recorded 1979/80, London Synthphoney Orchestra recorded around 1983/84 played by Dave Goodman and Dave Rose - The Flowers Of Romansk
- The Flowers Of Romansk (extended)
fake-recordings by Dave Goodman 1983/84, probably using old Sex Pistols live-recordings - We're Dancing On The Dole
- The Great British Weekend
- Cliches
- Nicotine Addict
- Daily Life
- Can't See The Bars 'Till We Try To Get Out
- Factory
- Don't Fear That Your Life Will Come To An End Only Fear That It Won't Begin
- Schools Are Prisons
- Judging Minds
- Boasting
- Revolution In The Classroom
- Happy Families
- un-named song
fake-recordings with Dave Goodman, Dave McIntosh (guitar), Glen Matlock (bass on 2 tracks, co-writer of 'Happy Families'), 'Tony Rotten' (vocals) recorded early 1988 - Anarchy in the UK (unplugged)
- Sex On 45 (medley)
- The Swindle Continues (version of 'The Great Rock'N'Roll Swindle')
- Wedding Day
- Remedies and Cures
tracks released on the following records:
- Ex Pistols "Land Of Hope And Glory"/"The Flowers Of Romansk" (1984) Virginia Records 7"/12"
- Sex Pistols "Schools Are Prisons"/"Revolution In The Classroom" (1989) STP Records STP-0 7"
- Sex Pistols "We Have Cum For Your Children (Wanted: The Goodman Tapes)" (1988) Skyclad LP
- Sex Pistols "Pirates of Destiny" (1988) SKYCLAD LP
- Sexless Pistols "Deny" (1992) Mandala Records LP
- Dave Goodman "DENIAL OF A GOODMAN - The album the Sex Pistols never released" (200?) Vagina? Records CD - contains probably even further fakes that are not listed above>
- Sex Pistols "THE SWINDLE CONTINUES" (1988) VAP 1988 DoLP
Further informations: http://www.acc.umu.se/~samhain/summerofhate/notpistols.html
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