The recent comments of Gustav made me check my record collection for records of P.L.O. which stands for Permanent Lyserc Oah. They came from Berlin and released 4 Singles/EPs between 1990 and 1994. To describe their music as heavily influenced by The 39 Clocks would be too much of a compliment, in fact I dare to say that they are pure imitators. Just listen to the sounds of their instruments and the way Kai Drewitz copies the vocal articulations of CH 39 and JG 39, although "300 Feet High" could be a rejected recording of The Fall too. J. Gleue describes the band on the "A Swamp Room Happening" compilation as follows: "This reminds me vaguely of the french beatnik singer Antoine, before he went mainstream. You probably won't find too many recordings as loose & charming from a 90's band, especially from Germany. A real favourite, this track ("Not In My Reaction") is one of only 3 here that were previously released, also appearing on their new EP from Swamp Room Rec. We really didn't have much choice, as this band in the cool beatnik style of not working more than necessary, never wrote more than 12 songs in their entire 5 years existence, about half of which were recorded. This 3 piece-band who recently added a drummer to their line-up, really seams to come out of nowhere, with all their members living in different cities." Also on this album is another band with a singer who too was heavily influenced by The 39 Clocks' vocal stylings. Gleue writes "Acid-influenced, this band produced 2 of the more demented tracks here. This band produced two of the more demented & strange tracks here. This is a rehearsal tape, as they refuse all studio-recordings as too slick. Their singer is 14 & their bassplayer 15 years old & they don't talk to people who haven't at least heard of the l3th Floor Elevators. They make fun of other kids with their Duran Duran/Ketchup Boys/Front 242 records. Which means they got not too many friends. In case someone checks the credits, I got nothing to with this band or their recording. Check out this band's '45 on their own label, one of the best local psychedelic releases." Although Gleue denies any musical connections he can't deny that G. Gleue is his sister Gabi and N. Gleue her son Nemo and this fact probably made him overlook the really limited abilities of this band, although the single was recorded by Rüdiger Klose, drummer for The 39 Clocks, Exit Out and The Cocoon. Keep it in the family ;-) (download Part 1) (download Part 2) Speedshare.org hat sich als Filehoster nicht sonderlich bewährt, die Dateien verschwinden sehr schnell und es ist nicht klar, nach welchen Kritereien :-(
PS: Don't ever ask me to post the records by The Painless Dirties, they are much worser than P.L.O. and 3 Spiral Staircases.

"Fake my Shoes" (Drewitz/Drewitz/Kiene/Wesener)/"Ghaddafi works" (Drewitz/Drewitz/Kiene)
Single, What's So Funny About... SF 98, 1990
P.L.O. are K. Drewitz - Vocals, T. Kiene - Guitar, S. Wesener - Organ / Fake my Shoes recorded by J.A. Skutnik & P.L.O. at E-Eu-Studios, West Berlin, May '89 / Ghaddafi works recorded live at the Soxs, Hammover, March '86 / Thanks to. J. Willemer (Organ on Ghaddafi works) / The Hidden Gentleman & His Perc / M. Krüger / J.A. Skutnik /C.H. / Kontakt: P.L.O. Großgörschenstr. 7 / 1000 Berlin 62

"300 Feet High" (Drewitz/Kiene/Wesener)/"Make Your Day" (Drewitz/Kiene/Wesener)//"Giddy Sights" (Drewitz/Kiene/Wesener)/"Not In My Reaction"(Drewitz/Kiene/Wesener)
EP, Swamp Room EP No. 301106, 1991
Personnel K. Drewitz - vocals, T. Kiene - guitar, B. Schulze - drums, S. Wesener - organ / In Memory of Jürgen D. / Cover: M. Bulgrin / Tel:030-7819299

The Amber E.P.: "Durchschnitt" (Words: Drewitz, Music: Drewitz, Keine, Wesener)/"Calling Creeps"(Words: Drewitz, Music: Drewitz, Keine, Wesener)//"I.M.E." (Words: Drewitz, Music: Drewitz, Keine, Wesener, Schulze)/"Infected Dream" (Words: Drewitz, Music: Drewitz, Keine, Wesener)
EP, Hidden Records Bulb No.3, 1992
K. Drewitz - vocals, guitar, T. Kiene - guitar, bass, V. Schulze - drums, S. Wesener - organ, keyboard / Durchschnitt and I.M.E. recorded 1992 in Oldenburg by G. Kothe and P.L.O. / Calling Creeps recorded 1991 live at the HdjT, Berlin-East / Infected Dream recorded 1989 at E-Eu Studios, Berlin-West by J.A. Skutnik and P.L.O. / Cover photo by S. Blödorn / Sleeve by Hidden Graphics, Berlin / Inside Mandala by an unknown Tibetan monk / Layout by M. Bulgrin / Handimpression by Hanns Joosten / Lithos by Europrint, Berlin / Premastering by Bo Kondren at Bleibeil Studio, Berlin / Rising spirits: Antoine, Young Scamps, The Phantom Payn, To, Rapp, Outsiders (NL), Novak's Kapelle, The Mint

Paleozoic Beat EP: "Subway Sights" (Drewitz/Kiene/Wesener)/"Be carefully Changing!" (Drewitz/Kiene/Wesener)/"It's Fine" (Drewitz/Kiene/Wesener)//"It's Fine, fine" (Drewitz/Kiene/Wesener)/"State of Gods" (Drewitz/Kiene/Wesener)
EP, Swamp Room # 301120, 1994
One-Track-Recordings by P.L.O. in Bekhausen 1992. Biggy plays the drums! / One-Track-Recordings by P.L.O. in Wellie 1993. / Live-Recordings from the Roter Salon Gig 1993 in Berlin. / All songs written & composed by Permanent Lyserc Oah. / Thanks to Sabine B., Exi, Sabine F., Jürgen G., Bo K., Willem K., Jörg M., The Mixer, Osti, Holger P., Robert S. & Emilio W..
+ "Stunning Whiff"
from "Hidden Records and Swamp Room Free EP for the Hartbeat Magazine"-compilation, EP, Swamp Room #301123/Hidden Records Bulb No.8, 1994
recorded at home / K. Drewitz: voc. - T. Kiene: guit. - S. Wesener: org. / Foto: Emilio Winschetti

3 Spiral Staircases
"Plastic Minds" (Spirals)/"Islands Of The Universe" (Spirals)
Single, Another Reality #13/666, 1990
G. Gleue, N. Gleue, D. Brockhaus, R. Claussen, K. Böhmecke / Dedicated to Bingo Della Rocca & Reid Fleming / Cover Photo: A. Jattke / Recording Engineer: R. Klose / Contact: 3 Spiral Staircases / Gleue, Tiergartenstr. 36/38, 3000 Hannover 71
+ "Pseudo-Psychedelia Without Us"/"Tear On A Sofa"
from "A Swamp Room Happening"-compilation, LP, Swamp Room Records #301110/301111, 1991
Single "Plastic Minds" (psych) DM 10,- from G. Gleue, Ferdinand-Wallbrechtstr .43, 3000 Hannover 1 (Note: Despite the names, I got no connection with this band & am not involved in any recordings an this compilation, except that I release the stuff. J.G.)
Übersetzung: To preserve the stylistic integrity of this post there is no German translation (go use Babelfish).
First posted on 26.08.2007
13 Kommentare:
Hallo Martinf,
vielen Dank für die Mühe! Ich werd mir die Jungs gleich mal anhören – waren bestimmt grottenschlecht, damals jedenfalls todernste Epigonen. Ich dachte, die wären aus Hannover gewesen. – Naja, im Schatten von Genies wird man eben nicht automatisch auch eines ... Die Clocks bei Dir und Dorfdisco haben mich noch immer überzeugt.
Schönen Gruss Gustav
how do i download these?
I am very interested in these records but can't work out how to download them ... could someone please help, in English if possible. Many thanks.
Hello friend, and what about the Phantom Payn?
If you unterested, can send you a good rip of Vol. I "Dig The Squares - They're Ugly".
Still looking for:Vol. II (7", EP, Ltd) + Trouble With Ghosts (Revised Version) + Telegraphic Grooves From A Dead Mailbox + More phantom Than Ever
Keep in touch and thanks for your very nice blog
its easy!
download part 1 and 2
thats all! ;)
@pokemi: all the Phantom Payn stuff are in fact recordings by JG39 (and friends), so these are the real thing and in no way "imitators" - or would you say that Kastrierte Philosophen are imitators of 39 Clocks just because JG39 played guitar on some tracks?
Of course, and sorry if it is confusing, it was more a request for getting more of the Phnatom Payn stuff. I know they are really original and fucking great. Let's get the originals now.
Hi Martin,
mal von dem ganzen relativen Unsinn
aus dem alten Sw. Room Sampler-
Hype-Beiblatt abgesehen, das man
wirlich nicht zu ernst nehmen sollte,habe ich nie das geringste Problem mit den P.L.O. Sachen gehabt, und fand die immer recht
gut gemacht. Die Platten haben Flair,Charme,und halten stilistisch/ästhetisch.Sollte mehr zählen,als ein paar Soundähnlichkeiten. Was schlechte
Clocks Kopien angeht, braucht man
nichts weiter bemuehen, als die
letzte Reunion-Clocks LP ´More Protest Songs´, voller ideenloser
schlimmer Sound. Schade ums Vinyl.
Juergen Gleue
was WIRKLICH tragisch ist an obigem Verriss ist die total negative Attitüde, die da via Martin Fuchs zum Tragen kommt - ein verbitteter alter Mann, der für sich persönlich vielleicht mehr herausholen würde, wenn er sich mehr um seine eigene Kreativität kümmern würde, anstatt nachträglich kleine Bands runterzumachen, die vor 30 Jahren mal ein paar Singles veröffentlicht haben. man muss schon eine ziemliche Klatsche haben, um so etwas zu veranstalten. M.F. hat vor Jahrzehnten solche Szenerien mal konstruktiv supportet, aber die Zeiten scheinen lange vorbei zu sein. J.G.
Jürgen, ich liebe Dich für Deine Hartnäckigkeit, 13 Jahre alte Posting erneut zu kommentieren. Und schade, dass Du meine Radio-Sendung zur Clocks-Box nicht hören kannst...
Ach, jetzt läuft die Sendung doch, und zwar am 31.3. von 17.00 bis 19.00 Uhr...
Oder doch von 22.00 bis 24.00 Uhr? Lasst euch überraschen ...
Danke für den Upload.
ano 2
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