Christiane F. (Felscherinow), das Mädchen vom Bahnhof Zoo, vom heroinsüchtigen Strichmädchen in Berlin zum Objekt einer erfolgreichen Serie in der Zeitschrift Stern nebst Buch- und Filmveröffentlichung zur Künstlerin im Umfeld von Abwärts als Partnerin von Alexander Hacke zurück zur Nadel und nach erneutem Entzug Rückzug aus der Öffentlichkeit. Eine erste Plattenproduktion in den USA für Posh Boy Records fand nicht ihre Zufriedenheit und führte zur Überarbeitung des Materials mit Hilfe der Supermax-Mafia Alexander Hacke, F.M. Einheit, Axel Dill und Mona Mur. Klingt Reggae-beeinflusst, allerdings ist der "Health Dub" alles andere als luftig, sondern mit allerlei Geniale Dilletanten-Krach gefüllt. Unglaublich, was damals alles veröffentlicht und gekauft wurde :D
Christiana "Final Church (Soll die Revolution barmherziger töten als die Natur?)"
Supermax Max 03, 12", 1982
Süchtig / Spinnen // Health Dub
David Javelosa - Rückwärtspiano / Bob Hofnar - Bass Disco / Walter Durkacz - D.J. / F.M. Einheit - Elektronik, Drums, Produktion / Alexander von Borsig - Elektronik, Solo-Gitarre, ABC-Alarm, B. Stereo-Bass / Christiana - Chor-Gitarre, Gesang, Gitarre, Hysterie / A. King Dill - Drums / Jimi Hendrix - Plattensprung / Mona Mur - Kinderreim / Jon Caffery – Produktion (
Translation: According to wikipedia Christiane F., famous for shooting heroin in Berlin at the Bahnhof Zoo, was horrified, when she heard what kind of music Posh Boy Records released with her vocal tracks, so she decided to work again on the material with local punk musicians from Hamburg and West-Berlin to give it a more post-punk edge. It fits perfectly in the mutated sounds made in these towns at these times. "Health Dub" was re-released in 2003 together with the extended version of "Wunderbar" from the Posh-Boy-12“ "Gesundheit!" by Playhouse Records. "Gesundheit!" also contains the short version of "Wunderbar" and "Heimweh (Homesick)". Also wikipedia claims there is a single release by Posh Boy with "Wunderbar" and "Der Tod holt mich ein" on the flip side, but the Posh Boy website does not mention it, so I guess it doesn't exist. Don't believe everything Wikipedia has to say.
6 Kommentare:
Hola! Well it seems somebody opened some Pandora's box (in a good meaning) with his Wunschliste! haha. I knew from the Abwärts/Christiane F relation from the "Breaking news" comp Frank Z's booklet I mentioned in other comment (they lived together in a squat or something) but what I didn't know was about her musical career. Checking the wiki page you mentioned, saw they talk about this other project, Sentimentale Jugend; the name rang a bell so I checked my discography lists and yeah, they (Ch. F. & the MDK/EN guy) had a full side (with EN) in the 1980 "Monogam Sampler"; that should complete the list of recordings you've given, I guess.
In the Spanish version of Wikipedia I've often found the unspeakable, indeed, haha...
Now I should download the maxi, thanks in advance :)
Fantastic! I did pick up the Borsig Maxi in Berlin 82 (i think). Never heard about or seen any other Super Max. Real Gem´s all so far. Vielen danke aus Schweden!
Dit is cool und neu für mich... Bedankt !
Thanks so much for this. I use to own it on a homemade tape compilation but there were years of frequent moves and somewhere along the way it got lost. Brings a tear and a smile to hear it again and have all those feelings wash over me.
I have hunted high and low for an MP3 rip of the Final Church 12 Inch EP and there is only one copy of this at Discogs going for 50 euros and I really want to hear it before I spend that kind of money!
If there is any chance at all of you reuploading this (and/or any other Christiane F material) I would be eternally grateful....I have a 192 rip of the Decoder compilation if that helps though you have probably got it anyway....or if there is any particular kind of music you are looking for, let me know and maybe we could swap for the Final Church rip.
Hello my fellow music lover! I am a young guys from Portugal with a thirst for knowledge. In my research I stumbled upon your blog and this amazing album. Would you be so kind to share it with me?
Thank you so much in advance!
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