One of the best CDs I bought in the last months was the Monstrance 2-CD-Set which consists of over 80 minutes of purely improvised music by Andy Partridge, Barry Andrews and drummer Martyn Barker. It's the stuff that the Necronomikon Quartett would leave speechless and make them sell all their instruments. The most interesting stuff is what Andy Partridge does with his guitar, because he never showed much of his abilities with XTC where Dave Gregory played all the tricky bits. But where Gregory is very much rooted in Sixties music Partridge has his roots in also avantgarde jazz (and Captain Beefheart) so Monstrance is quite a departure from the sound of XTC and even more far out than what Partridge recorded with Harold Budd years ago. So I was really excited when I heard that Monstrance will perform live on BBC Radio 6. In fact they didn't play live but Andy gave them a CDR with 3 newly improvised pieces and BBC broadcasted them on Stuart Maconie's Freak Zone on Sunday 29 July 2007. If you missed the show you can download them
PS: Ape House is looking for artists, more here...
PSS: I've deleted the download-link because the files are now officially available for download through Andy's lable APE. Buy them!

Übersetzung: Eine der besten CDs der letzten Monate war die Doppel-CD "Monstrance" von Andy Partridge, Barry Andrews und dem Schlagzeuger Martyn Barker. Über 80 Minuten völlig frei improvisierte Musik mit einem Andy Partridge der weitab vom Sound von XTC hier sein Interesse an spacigem Avantgarde Jazz auslebt. Für Stuart Maconies "Freak Zone"-Sendung auf BBC gingen Partridge, Andrews und Barker wieder ins Studio und stellen 3 neue Improvisationen zur Verfügung, denen sie die Titel "I Am A Cow Devil", "Smelt Me Into Steel A Hundredfold" und "Children Love Our Dear Helmsmen" gaben, die am 29.7.2007 gesendet wurden und die ich Euch hier zum download
PS: Ape House sucht noch Künstler...
PPS: Da die Musik jetzt auch offiziell bei Andys Label APE zu bekommen ist habe ich das Download-Link entfernt. Ich unterstütze nicht die Idee, dass nur hungernde Künstler gute Musik machen ;-)
3 Kommentare:
Thanks for posting the session!
danke! die "session" hab ich schon ewig gesucht.... "monstrance" ist fantastisch. meister partridge fliegt frei umher...
gruß aus dem landkreis peine (oh weia)
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