
Geteilte Köpfe - Don't Ask...

Geteilte Köpfe: Don't Ask... (LP, Artland Records AR 0015-1, 1990)
Pictureless Frames (M: Löhl, Sibai, T: Sibai) / Nothing Behind (dedicated to 'minutemen') (M: Löhl) / Verstrickungen (M: Laubisch, Löhl, Harder) / My Personal Scoreboard (M: Laubisch, Löhl, Harder, Sibai, T: Sibai) //
Don't Ask (life can be so cruel...) (M: Geteilte Köpfe, T: Sibai) / Let's Do It Now (typical hit-song...) (M: Löhl, Laubisch, Harder, T: Sibai) / Hitting The Past (M: Geteilte Köpfe, T: Sibai) / Rudiment (M: Löhl, Harder, Laubisch, Lieber)
jörg laubisch - b, acc / birger loehl - git / martin lieber - dr, glissando-guitar on 'rudiment' / frank harder - sax, drums on 'nothing behind' and 'my personal scoreboard', backing vocals on 'pictureless frames' / yasmin sibai - voc, vio
recorded in dec'89 except for 'don't ask' - recorded in feb '90 as yasmin's broken right hand was healed by then / mixed in jan/feb '90 at Artland studios, Hannover / label photo - martin / backcover photo - verena haro / all lyrics- yasmin / all paintings, graphics and layout - yasmin / produced by geteilte köpfe / engineeredand mixed by -hoppi
contact - achim brandau (management) Grosse Düwelstrasse 45 D-3000 Hannover 1 Tel.:0511/853712
thanx to: once and ever agaim Achim for his gift to talk the guts out of everyone. Hoppi - the only straight hippie we know - for a lot of fun on tour and a lot of discipline in studio. bernd opitz forphotos. Norbert - where had we been without you when the engine said good-bye!? birgers family (hi, brother!) T.H.and Barney. Toto and Claudi, Verena and Irmi, all for special support, Karl der Große, Michi Suckspeed, Joey Baiza and his Universal Congress Of - let's have a good show, man! Dostojewski + Till the two tomcats for extraordinary inspiration The nice little jazzy-club in Leverkusen - "We know punk, but we have never heard such a stupid, aggressive and unemotional music before" - we hope this record will give you the rest!! Ute-Elke Schneider - you know what for..., hello Victims Family! Hope, you'll go on for a while! And,of course: Allof you!
Im Fluss (live at Eisfabrik 1987)
Criminal Accent (live at Eisfabrik 1987)
Figures (live at Capitol 1988)
Verstrickungen (live at Eisfabrik 1987)
Geteilte Köpfe (live at Capitol 1988)

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