
The death of Kurt Cobain - history has to be rewritten

A few days ago the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (formerly Fachhochschule Frankfurt) published a statement about similarities between people who suffer from schizophrenia and people who believe in conspiracy theories. Both groups would have a tendency to make hasty decisions, mostly based on little evidence. They would think more intuitively and less analytically. They would make up their mind very quickly without gathering a lot of information.

New information can call previous theories into question and bring entire structures of thought to collapse. Like, for example, the biography of Janis Joplin from Myra Friedman, which I got my hands on today. Joplin is known to have died of a heroin overdose, an overdose was also involved in Kurt's death and has led to speculation about a murder plot because someone with an overdose would drop dead immediately and therefore could no longer put a shotgun in his/her mouth. But is that true?

Friedman writes that after Joplin took the fatal shot, she put away the syringes, went to the hotel reception to change money for the cigarette machine and went back to the hotel room with the cigarettes. "She closed the door behind her, took another step or two, and then fell like a doll that was thrown to the ground or simply knocked over." (Page 317)
"There is a lot of mysterious suspicion surrounding the fact that Janis did not die instantly. Some people have felt that a heroin overdose does not work in this way. But the New York medical examiner informed me that a time lag between the injection and death was not uncommon." (Page 319)

Friedman's biography of Joplin appeared in 1991, 3 years before Cobain's death. It is completely unaffected by future events, its statement can be viewed as impartial. So a heroin overdose does not necessarily lead to immediate death. Kurt Cobain was thus easily able to overdose himself, sign his suicide note and then put the shotgun in his mouth and pull the trigger. This dissolves the central building block of the theory that Cobain was murdered in thin air. All that remains is suicide. Case closed.

Why am I writing all this? Because a few weeks ago someone sent me an e-mail to discuss questions about Kurt Cobain's "unexplained death" with me. However, nothing is left unanswered about Cobain's death, even if second-rate journalists try again and again by warming up rumors and suggestive questions to flay a few lines and fill up broadcasting minutes. It is this type of "fake news" that prevents people from perceiving facts and incites them against one another. There are subjects that are more dangerous than Cobain's suicide, but the method is always the same.

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