
That's Not My Cup Of Beer

Just had the stupid idea to start another blog called That's Not My Cup Of Beer ;-)
The idea is to make it a blog about early German punk and neue deutsche Welle with just links to other blogs where you can find the stuff, similar to Post Punk Progressive Pop Party. If you want to contribute to the idea just let me know :-)
By the way: there's a litte update at Mittagspause Rondo-Studio 1980, but no re-upped files.
And probably Someone Else's Tapes might be interesting for you ...

4 Kommentare:

  1. Nice idea. Btw I'm glad you found useful the Down Underground link. And there's more than the ones you mentioned! (like Neurotic Arseholes, Inferno, Blut + Eisen who have a webpage with all their stuff anyway...)
    A couple of blogs where there's more Deutschstoff:
    The Pope at http://sunold864.blogspot.com/ has Razors, Targets, Combat Not Conform, Malinheads and loads of other bands.
    Curious Guy at http://systemsabotagechaos.blogspot.com/
    has Mülleimer "ultra-HC" comps (with Inferno, Normahl...), the rare KZ 36 II comp, Porno Patrol and more.
    Erich at Goodbadmusic has (or had) Abwärts singles, KFC, Middle Class Fantasies and more.
    http://abracatambra.blogspot.com/ has ZSD, Boskops, Vorkriegsphase, Zerstörte Jugend and plenty more...

    For discographies, I have often used
    and sort of a complement (85-90) here:

    So here's a small contribution.
    Oh about the MiPau update, why not the re-ups? I missed that one, Mist! :D

    Fernando :)

  2. super idee !!!
    - gedankenübertragung:-), ähnliches schwebte mir bereits durch verlinkung vor, get it on !
    gruss, franz

  3. Find ich gut, die Idee, hau rein!

    @anonym: Thanks for the link to the KZ36 II comp!

  4. gute idee, aber wozu extra einen neuen blog eröffnen?

    so ganz weit liegt doch die thematik des neuen nicht von der des alten entfernt, ness pah?

    was solls, die cotzbrocken wollte ich schon immmer mal wieder hören.

    Mach et jot, anonymus 2

