
Truth Or Consequences

Instrumentalmusik ist ja eher im Jazz als in Rock und Pop zu finden, wahrscheinlich weil Jazzmusiker oft ideenreicher sind. Henry Kaiser und Bill Frisell gehören als Gitarristen und Grenzgänger zwischen Rock, Jazz und Avantgarde zu der seltenen Spezies der interessanten Saitenquäler. Dieser Track ist vermutlich auf keiner regulären Veröffentlichung der beiden zu finden, denn er erschien auf einer Flexidisc des amerikanischen Guitar Player Magazine 1986 zusammen mit einem Interview der beiden und detaillierter Beschreibung, wie die Aufnahme entstand. Daher habe ich den Downloadpaket auch die Grafik über den Aufbau des Stücks beigefügt.

Henry Kaiser & Bill Frisell: "Truth Or Consequences" (B. Frisell & H. Kaiser) von der Flexidisc "Guitar Player Magazine Soundpage #21" (Eva-Tone Soundsheets 8609712AXS, 1986) / Henry Kaiser - Guitar, Synclavier / Bill Frisell - Guitar, Synclavier
Equipment used on "Truth Or Consequences": Synclavier with 10Mb [Megabyte] Winchester hard drive, 4Mb internal sampling R A M, VT keyboard, guitar interface, Kennedy tape drive, and Pericom monitor terminal / Akai MG1212 12-track Mixer/recorder / Lexicon Model 200 digital reverb / Howard Dumble tube preamp / 1950s Fender Stratocaster modified with Floyd Rose tremolo and Alembic pickups / Pete Cornish Fuzz / Modulus Graphite Thru-Body controller guitar

Summary: This track by Henry Kaiser and Bill Frisell was released on a flexi disc together with Guitar Player Magazine in 1986 and is an early example of sampling versus electric guitars, created with only with a 10Mb hard drive and 4Mb RAM. But remember that the NASA flew to the moon with even smaller computer capacities and still uses no Windows for their space shuttles - probably for security reasons.

2 Kommentare:

  1. wonderful duo - this must be really superrare, isn't it?

    your decision to focus on instrumental popular music is wonderful - too many lousy singers around... no - i'm joking! i mean there's much great instrumental pop music/rock music, and not only the so called prog-stuff-shit, band like die haut or blind idiot god are just doing instrumental works, or look at chaps like bill laswell or mick harris - there mostly doing instrumental stuff, although in a more electronic setting...

    rock on, breadsack!
    an admirer...

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